Alfred Warren spent five days at sea on a raft which started out with ten people. Only he and Spencer Mynott remained when they were rescued by the Cabo de Hornos, which had already picked up the raft containing 2nd Lt. Cox, Sub Lt. Davidson and Lt. Rowlandson.
He was travelling on the Britannia to his first posting as an Air Fitter in the Fleet Air Arm when the ship was attacked. When the Cabo de Hornos came in sight on the fifth day he was bitten by a shark as he tried to paddle towards it.
The story: “Pain for Leaven” describes his experiences from the time he joined up to his final return home.
He was sent a Postal Order for one shilling by a lady who had read his story in a local paper.
There are also some family photographs and pictures from the island of Tenerife where he recovered.